Physiotherapy in gynecology

Physiotherapy in gynecology

Physiotherapeutic procedures in gynecology are used as therapeutic measures, as measures to help restore the body of a woman after childbirth, operations, and are also a means of preventing certain diseases. In the presence of gynecological problems and diseases, the doctor can prescribe physiotherapy procedures that give good results. They help to reduce the duration of treatment, do not give side effects that may occur during drug treatment, protect against complications and relapses of diseases.

Benefits of physical therapy:

  • restoration of the functionality of organs;
  • anesthesia;
  • restoration of hormonal levels;
  • improvement of metabolic processes in tissues;
  • stimulation of blood and lymph circulation;
  • resorption of adhesions and prevention of their subsequent appearance;
  • improvement of cellular immunity.

Physiotherapeutic procedures are selected individually depending on the characteristics of the woman and her illnesses. It happens that several methods are shown that can be used together or alternately.

Methods of physiotherapy in gynecological practice

Physiotherapeutic procedures performed after surgical interventions allow preventing the formation of adhesions in the organs of the female reproductive system. In the presence of adhesions, physiotherapy is prescribed to relieve pain. The most effective procedure in this situation is electrophoresis, in which medicinal substances are introduced into the body by means of a galvanic (direct) current.

In the postoperative period, magnetotherapy is actively and successfully used.

For anesthesia, removal of vascular spasm, electro-, ultrasound therapy is prescribed.

Ultrasound therapy is used to stimulate the hormonal function of the ovaries. For resorption and softening of adhesions, ultrasound and electrophoresis with enzyme preparations are used.

In inflammatory pathologies with bacteriostatic and bactericidal function, ultraviolet irradiation is prescribed.

Infrared irradiation has a deep warming effect, it is used for sluggish inflammatory diseases.

To improve blood circulation, electro-, magnetic-, ultrasound therapy is used.

Laser therapy has a pronounced reparative and regenerative effect, stimulates cellular immunity, but is not used during pregnancy.

Electric or magnetic fields are prescribed for anti-inflammatory and decongestant purposes.

Natural factors in the form of mineral waters and mud are used in the treatment of many gynecological pathologies, since the mineral composition and biologically active substances have a powerful beneficial effect on the entire body.

Thermal procedures in the form of paraffin and ozokerite therapy allow you to cope with the pain syndrome, as well as stimulate the hormonal function of the ovaries.

Treatment sessions are carried out both transcutaneously, that is, through the skin, and in the abdominal way.

Through the skin, the procedure is carried out by influencing the abdomen, lower back, inner thighs, perineum.

The cavity technique is performed transvaginally or transrectally. Sessions are scheduled from 5-7 days of the menstrual cycle, which is associated with ovulation.

Massage is used to improve blood circulation, normalize muscle tone. During pregnancy, due to the increasing load on the spine, women are often worried about pain in the cervical region and back. In this situation, it is possible to assign a massage to these departments.

In the postpartum period, massage improves the tone of the uterus, helping it to restore its previous size in a short time, restore the tone of the muscles of the anterior abdominal wall. Also, at the early postpartum stage, breast massage is recommended before feeding to increase lactation.

During menopause and menopause, physical methods of treatment are used to restore the regulatory and coordinating functions of the nervous system, as well as to eliminate disorders that develop against the background of menopause (dysfunction of the endocrine glands, cardiovascular system, nervous system, etc.). In climacteric neurosis, cervicofacial ionogalvanization according to Kellat, galvanic collar according to Shcherbak, longitudinal diathermy of the head, and Lyapko's application therapy are successfully used. The use of physical methods of treatment for pathological menopause is especially effective for mild menopausal disorders.

Good results are given by acupuncture, Lyapko's application therapy.


All problems with gynecology are accumulated claims and resentments against men. First of all, you need to remove all resentment, anger, anger at men. Change your outlook. Grief and disappointment in a woman's life lead to changes in the uterus.

Application therapy Lyapko in the treatment of female diseases

Lyapko application devices are among the methods of physiotherapy treatment. They are widely used in medical institutions, health centers and sanatoriums. They are combined with all physiotherapeutic procedures, with all types of medical treatment. Ease of use, safety, high efficiency with minimal effort allow us to recommend applicators for self-use at home.

Indications for the use of Lyapko applicators for women's diseases:

  • early toxicosis;
  • lactation disorders, hypo- and hypergalactia, mastitis;
  • maintaining pregnancy;
  • pain relief and regulation of labor, recovery in the postpartum period and after caesarean section;
  • infertility;
  • violation of the ovarian-menstrual cycle (amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea);
  • adnexitis;
  • diseases of the pelvic organs;
  • climacteric syndrome, etc.

Contraindications to the use of Lyapko applicators

Relative contraindications to the use of applicators and rollers are:

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases with fever;
  • the state of decompensation in diseases of the cardiovascular system, lungs, liver, kidneys;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs in the stage of decompensation;
  • acute surgical conditions;
  • severe exhaustion;
  • allergy to any metal;
  • violations of the integrity of the skin: wounds, burns, frostbite.

In the presence of benign and malignant diseases, multi-needle therapy with Lyapko applicators is used only for the treatment of individual symptoms (an analgesic method, relieving psycho-emotional stress, improving sleep, etc.) and always after consulting an oncologist.

For example: fibromyoma refers to benign formations, so the applicator should not be applied to the pelvic area both in front and behind. But to relieve pain in the lower back, you can apply it above and below - on the thoracic region, on the legs, on the feet. In case of problems in the mammary gland, do not apply to the areas of projection of the mammary gland, it is possible to remote areas. The exposure time is 20 minutes, the course of treatment is 1-2 weeks, the treatment can be repeated after 2-4 weeks.

Mechanisms of action of the applicator

Lyapko's applicators in various modifications (plates, rollers, applique belts, applique tapes) are an original, powerful device with many health-improving therapeutic possibilities. Their action is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine - superficial multi-needle acupuncture, as well as on the general physiological mechanisms of life.

The high healing effect of Lyapko applicators is due to a combination of intense reactions:

  • reflex-mechanical;
  • galvano-electric;
  • immunological.

The clinical effects of the method of multi-needle therapy are manifested in analgesic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, anti-edematous, neurotrophic and immunomodulatory effects. Also in the regulation of the functions of the autonomic nervous system, the normalization of the processes of excitation and inhibition in the central nervous system.

How to work with the applicator, application zones

In 90% of cases, it is necessary to act on the pain zone, and to increase efficiency on additional and auxiliary zones.

It is always necessary to include the main zone (the region of the spine) in the general recipe. The main zones are located on the back surface of the trunk, head, neck.

The main ones are named due to the fact that the skin areas on both sides of the spine and directly above the spine are closest to the exits of the roots of the cranial and spinal nerves and other structures.

Very important meridians also pass here. Above the spinous processes along the entire length of the spine passes the posterior median meridian. This meridian is the ruler of all major meridians of the Yang type. These are the meridians: gallbladder, small intestine, triple heater, stomach, large intestine, bladder. The posterior median meridian controls the protective energy of a person, affects his resistance to diseases.

On the back, 2 fingers (1.5 cun) from the spine passes the 1st branch, and 4 fingers (3 cun) the 2nd branch of the bladder meridian (Fig. 1). The Bladder Meridian (V) is the most important energy system of the human body. It is responsible for the condition of the bladder, kidneys, genitals, bone structure, musculoskeletal system, spine, head, ears and hearing, vision.

In addition, the state of the meridian affects all organs and systems of the body, in the area where it passes. And given its great length, it becomes clear its significance for human health.

Fig.1 Bladder meridian

Auxiliary zones - the front surface of the trunk, head and neck. Due to the fact that the internal organs and glands of internal secretion are located directly under the anterior abdominal wall, under the chest, in the neck, face, exposure to them or to individual skin areas (metamers) in these areas with the help of different metal needle applicators contributes to the regulation, normalization, restoration, improvement and activation of the activity of these organs. The result is achieved faster when using auxiliary zones simultaneously with the main and additional zones.

Additional zones: zones of the skin of the lower and upper extremities, which are secondary (peripheral) in relation to the (central) structures of the spinal cord and brain.

On the inner and outer surfaces of the arms and legs there are zones of "Yin" (female) and "Yang" (male) groups of channels - meridians of organs located on a certain surface of the arms and legs, and having different groups of points that differ in purpose.

Using for applications and influencing various groups of points of certain meridian channels, we have the opportunity to additionally regulate (change, strengthen or lower) the activity of certain organs and systems (general action). Thus, we intensify the work during the application of Lyapko applicators on the main and auxiliary zones and additionally provide a therapeutic effect.

Additional (skin zones of the lower and upper extremities) and auxiliary zones (the front surface of the trunk, head and neck) should also be used when, for a number of reasons, it is impossible to influence the main zone (gypsum is applied, the wound surface). To enhance the therapeutic effect, it is advisable to include in the formulation the effect on the symmetrical zones of the healthy side.

Thus, the result is achieved faster when using the main zones simultaneously with additional and auxiliary zones or, if not possible, then alternately.

Application zones for gynecological diseases (Fig. 2): main 8, 9; auxiliary 7, 18, 19; additional 23, 25.27, 29, 30, 31.


General recommendations.

An effective combination of static applicators with rollers or small applicators (Fig. 3) in the lower abdomen, as well as long-term wear (from 1 to 3 hours) at points A-F in various combinations.

For the treatment of gynecological pathologies, a set of static applicators, a roller and small applicators is required.

Flat applicators: “Chamomile M” , “Quadro” , “Chance” , “Needle massage pillow” , “Duet” , “People” , “Insoles plus” , “Sputnik plus” , “Kraplinka” .

Application rollers: "Big Roller M" , "Universal Roller M" , "Face Roller M" , "Needle Ball" .

Application belts: "Kid" , "Universal M" , "Magic Ribbon" Health " .

What does Chinese medicine say

From the point of view of Chinese medicine, almost all female diseases - endometriosis, uterine fibroids, polycystic ovary syndrome, amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea, menopausal syndrome, premenstrual syndrome, infertility - are related to cold diseases. The cause of such diseases is a disorder of the hormonal and nervous systems.

These two systems are very closely related. Therefore, regular and chronic nervous stress often leads to hormonal disorders. Hence hormone-dependent gynecological problems. With the help of needle therapy, the doctor restores the normal functioning of the organs of the endocrine system - the thyroid gland, the hypothalamic-pituitary system, and the adrenal glands. As a result, the cause of the gynecological disease disappears. This method of treatment uses the principle of reflexology.

The impact of the applicator needles on the zones of certain biologically active points causes their irritation. It is transmitted to the associated organs of the endocrine system. Applying acupuncture with a tonic effect (roller 3-7 minutes, flat applicator 7-10 minutes), you can enhance the work of internal organs. Acupuncture with a sedative (soothing) effect (roller 15-20 minutes, flat applicator 20-30 minutes or more) reduces the activity of the endocrine organs.

Acupuncture relieves stress that causes spasms of smooth muscles of internal organs, circulatory disorders and blood stasis in the pelvic area. All this can lead to the development of tumor processes, disruption of the organs of the genital area, hypertrophy of mucous tissues (endometriosis).

With the help of sedative-type acupuncture, you can reduce the production of stress hormones (cortisol and adrenaline), increase the production of the happy hormones endorphins and dopamine, and normalize the balance of estrogens. Thanks to the improvement of the hormonal background, it is possible to cure many gynecological diseases. The use of Lyapko applicators on the cervical-collar zone and between the shoulder blades (stress zones) for 20-30 minutes helps to fight stress.

Impact on the lower abdomen, lumbosacral spine eliminates muscle spasms and improves blood circulation in the pelvic area. Do not use during menstruation.

Reflexology in gynecology is not limited to the impact on the nervous and endocrine systems. Since most women's diseases are related to cold diseases, it is necessary to increase the amount of heat in the body. The liver is responsible for the energy level of the body. Almost all women's diseases develop against the background of the sluggish work of this body.

The liver plays a key role in maintaining the balance of female hormones (estrogen) in the body. When the liver does not work properly, there is an excess of these hormones. This leads to mastopathy and other gynecological problems (fibroids, endometriosis, etc.). The impact of acupuncture on the zones of active points and the meridian of the liver (Fig. 3) stimulates its work, increases heat in the body, treats cold diseases, improves hormonal levels. It is necessary to tone the liver meridian: apply flat applicators to the liver area for 7-10 minutes or roll it with the Facial Roller M for 3-7 minutes in the direction of energy movement in the liver meridian from the thumb up along the inner surface of both lower extremities.

Fig. 3 Meridian of the liver

Another important organ affected by reflexology is the kidneys. They are responsible for blood circulation in the lower body, including the pelvic area. The impact of multi-needle therapy on the zones of biologically active points of the kidney meridian (Fig. 4) can normalize the functioning of the organ.

Fig. 4 Meridian of the kidneys

Methods for infertility

The method is based on increased blood circulation in the pelvic organs and the removal of stressful situations, which is very important in the treatment of infertility. The impact on the cervical-collar zone, lower thoracic spine, sacral spine, lower abdomen (2 fingers below the navel) for 20-30 minutes is shown. Also rolling for 3-7 minutes "Facial Roller M" , "Universal Roller M" , "Large Roller M" of the feet, the inner surface of the heels and along the entire inner surface of the legs, which will simultaneously capture the meridian of the kidneys and liver. Insoles on the feet for 20-30 minutes. Do not use during menstruation.

Methods for painful menstruation

Painful periods (algomenorrhea) are sometimes considered normal. Statistics say that severe pain during menstruation is regularly experienced by 10-15%, periodically - up to 70% of women of childbearing age. In fact, this is not the norm, but a violation of the menstrual function, by correcting which, you can get rid of the pain.

Causes of painful menstruation

Depending on the reasons that cause painful periods, doctors divide them into 2 types - primary and secondary algomenorrhea.

They speak of primary algomenorrhea when a reliable organic cause of painful menstruation was not identified during the examination.

Its main causes are the instability of the level of sex hormones and hormone-like substances and disturbances in the functioning of the nervous system. At this time, the contractility of the uterine muscle increases, as a result of which the uterine vessels are compressed, and the tissues do not receive sufficient nutrition.

Secondary algomenorrhea occurs due to any disease. Most often, this is inflammation caused by fibroids, endometriosis, trauma, gynecological surgery (cauterization of erosion, caesarean section, excision of fibroids, etc.)

Your gynecologist should advise what to do with severe pain during menstruation. Consult a doctor without waiting for the start of a new cycle in order to have time to pass the necessary tests and smears, and undergo an ultrasound scan.

Apply Lyapko's application therapy can be started 3 days after the end of menstruation and finished 3 days before the start. Do not use during menstruation. Application areas: sacrum, coccyx, abdomen 2 fingers below the navel, inguinal folds, inner thighs, feet. Application time with flat applicators 20-30 minutes, rolling with rollers 15 minutes.

You can fix a small applicator "Kraplinka", "Magic Tape" Health "on the leg around the medial ankle for the night.

The location of biologically active points on the human body and the impact on them.

biologically active points on the abdomen

1. The sea of ​​energy VC6 qi-hai - this biologically active point is located two fingers (1.5 cun) below the navel, its stimulation helps to normalize the cycle, get rid of menstrual pain and constipation. In addition, stimulation of this point will help with eating disorders, headaches and general weakness.

2. Beginning point VC4 guan yuan - this biologically active point is located at a distance of four fingers (3 cun) below the navel on the same line as the "sea of ​​energy". Stimulation of this point helps with menstrual pain, irregular menstruation, problems of the reproductive system.

Points in the groin

3. Points Rp 12( Sp 12) ("bearing door") and Rp 13 (Sp 13) ("mansion"). Symmetrical points are located in the pelvic region in the cavity formed during flexion of the lower extremities (Fig. 5).



4. Points B 27, B 28, B 29, B 30, B 31, B 32, B 33, B 34 (sacral points). The points are located at the base of the spine in the region of the coccyx (Fig. 6). Help with pain in the lower back, relieve pain and tension during menstruation.

5. Point B 48 ("womb and vital organs"). The symmetrical point is located about two fingers to the left and right of the sacrum between the base of the buttocks and the upper part of the pelvic bone (Fig. 6).


Points on the leg

6. Point Sp 4 (RP4) gun-sun ("grandfather-grandson"). The symmetrical point is located on the upper side of the arch of the foot under the big toe, at a distance of 1 finger from the bony prominence (Fig. 7).

7. Point Sp6 (RP6) san-yin-jiao 3 cun (4 fingers) above the center of the medial malleolus (Fig. 7)


8. He-gu point - many people know about this point, it is located at the junction of the index and thumb. Stimulation of this point helps to normalize the irregular cycle, soothes the muscles of the uterus, helps to get rid of headaches, pain in the shoulders, abdomen, as well as allergies and constipation. During pregnancy, this biologically active point cannot be stimulated.

Application options for applicators

Options for the use of applicators on the lumbar and sacro-gluteal region and lower abdomen.

1. "Chamomile M" is applied in the supine position on zones 7, 8, 9 or on the lower abdomen and pubic area on zone 18, 19.

Application on the cervical-collar zone, between the shoulder blades helps to fight stress, is indicated for infertility, with menopause.

2. The applicator "Quadro" , "Chance" , "People's" , "Insoles Plus" is placed along the spine with the capture of zones 7, 8, 9 or across the back alternately on zone 7, 8, 9; on the lower abdomen and pubic area in zone 18, 19.

3. Belt "Kid" , belt "Universal M" - is fixed across the spine alternately to zone 7, 8, 9; along the spine to zones 7, 8, 9 or applied in the supine position, like a regular applicator, to zones 7, 8, 9 or 18, 19. You can also fix the Magic Ribbon "Health" belt on these zones .

4. Run -in with “Large Roller M” , “Universal Roller M” , “Facial Roller M” of zones 7, 8, 9, 18, 19, as well as the inner surface of the foot, thighs.

Exposure to the brushes with rollers or a "Needle Ball" for 10-15 minutes gives a calming effect, helps with painful periods.

Belt "Magic tape "Health" 1 cavity, 1p + 1p, 1 + 2 5-7 - 9 segment arms are wrapped with the capture of zone 23, 25, legs of zone 27, 29, 30, 31. "Insoles plus" on the feet - zone 31.