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how to use the Lyapko applicator

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About company

The medical production company "Lyapko", well known not only in Ukraine and the CIS, but all over the world, has been specializing in the production of unique goods for more than 25 years - multi-needle applicators, which contribute to more progressive recovery and health promotion.

Lyapko applicators are designed to influence human skin in order to stimulate the body's natural health potential. The application element is made using a patented technology from various metals and medical rubber. Lyapko's application devices are successfully used in many clinics, hospitals, medical institutions, research institutes of reflexology in many countries. As of the beginning of 2020, more than 7 million applicators are used in the world.

How does the Lyapko applicator work?

What are the most popular Lyapko Applicators?

We recommend buying Lyapko applicators, which are in the greatest demand and are considered the most popular:

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