
Product quality guarantee for the entire product range of MPK Lyapko

The online store "Lyapko Applicators" guarantees the proper and protected quality of all offered products of the company.!

You can be sure that by purchasing therapeutic products - Lyapko Applicators from us in the official online store, you get a legal and high-quality product from a certified manufacturer of MPC Lyapko. All products offered by us are certified and manufactured in Ukraine..

Certified production of applicators and massagers in Ukraine

The head office and warehouse of the company are located in Ukraine, in Kyiv. There is also an official regional warehouse store in Odessa for the convenience of serving our customers in southern Ukraine. We produce all products protected by international patents directly at our own production facilities and also, we personally carefully pack and ship them to you. If you call us - you speak precisely with us, with those who produce, sell and send applicators and massagers.

The quality of Lyapko Applicators is time tested!

We ourselves use applicators conducting training, therapeutic massages and procedures in our medical centers in Kyiv and Odesa. Our experience in building, manufacturing, and medical practice allows us to offer you only what works and benefits our customers and clients. We offer to buy you high-quality Lyapko applicators, which have received recognition in many countries around the world. In addition, we ruthlessly remove from sale and production, remove from the catalog any products that have received complaints from our customers and medical specialists.

Buying from us applicators and massagers Lyapko - you buy products for which we are 100% vouch for our reputation!

For your convenience, we have placed all the necessary certificates and related documentation on the pages of our website in the section "About the Company", in the tabs "Information" and "Letters and patents" .

Replacing and returning low-quality goods. 

In the event that our product does not meet the approved quality and safety standards in Ukraine, you can always send us a request for the replacement of a poor-quality or unusable product and we guarantee that, in the shortest possible time, we will exchange it for the same and safe.

Request processing and consultation:

Monday - Friday: from 9:00 to 17:00
Saturday - Sunday: weekend

Acceptance of orders and complaints on the site around the clock, seven days a week.

Email us:  shop@lyapko.ua 
Or call and leave the request for replacement of goods by phone:

  +38 (063) 591 44 45 (Viber, Whatsapp)

  +38 (095) 372 44 41 (Telegram)

  +38 (067) 622 70 00

            +38 (048) 721 50 40

Skype consultation: shop.lyapko

We thank you for your attention to the production of MPK Lyapko!
Be healthy and cheerful with Lyapko's Applicators!

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