Development of children - project "Hedgehog and Children"

The technique was developed

Nikolai Grigoryevich Lyapko - President of Lyapko LLC, Candidate of Medical Sciences, reflexologist of the highest category.

Ksenia Viktorovna Osadchaya - teacher-methodologist of the project of creative development and family support "Dream Territory", practical psychologist, typhlopedagogue of the highest category, defectologist, author of the methodology.

Natalya Vladimirovna Mikhailenko - researcher at the Lyapko MPC, medical consultant, geneticist.

The importance of the influence of fine motor skills on the development of mental abilities in preschool children

Being engaged in the study of issues of child psychology and pedagogy, scientists came to stunning conclusions. It turns out that about a third of the cerebral cortex is responsible for the development of hand motor skills. In addition, this third is located as close as possible to the speech center. Therefore, when we train the hands and fingers, we also affect the center of speech.

In this regard, the development of fine motor skills of the hands of a young child is one of the fundamental tasks in teaching speech skills. Fine motor skills have a direct impact on the formation of logic, thinking skills, strengthening memory, training observation, imagination and coordination. Children who have better control of their hands show perseverance and get tired more slowly.

By developing in children attention to touch, to sensations in the body, you can teach them to understand their body, its needs.

Many educators and psychologists have noted the importance of a child's polysensory perception of the world around them. The active involvement of all analyzers: visual, auditory, olfactory, gustatory, tactile - forms a more complete and vivid picture of the world, hones the skills of interacting with it. Teaching children to consciously use all the senses is a very important task in the preschool period.

Human hands are able to distinguish the shape of objects, size, weight, surface texture, temperature. Each of the objects of the surrounding world has many tactile signs: softness - hardness, smoothness - roughness, brittleness - strength, lightness - heaviness, friability - elasticity. It also has a degree of flexibility, stickiness, slipperiness, fluffiness and pricklyness - all these characteristics a person can feel with the help of a tactile-muscular sense. But, few people think about it, even less often uses it in their activities. The exceptions are people of creative professions, artisans, whose activities are related to the precise settings of the tactile apparatus. By developing in children attention to touch, to sensations in the body, you can teach them to understand their body, its needs.

Today, many people live in a busy rhythm. In the world of fuss, races for material goods, negative experiences, and as a result, diseases appear. By returning to bodily sensations, feeling physical and dynamic needs, and satisfying them, we take care of ourselves and live more fully. Our body is a very good adviser. By listening to him and taking care of your comfort, you can avoid many unpleasant situations and even illnesses.

In addition, the development of the tactile analyzer is certainly accompanied by the development of other centers of the brain associated with it, and new neural connections are being formed. When stimulating the sensitivity of the skin and small muscles of the hand, motor, speech-thinking, cognitive functions, analytical perception, coordination of movements and much more develop. By offering a child to manipulate material of different texture, structure and shape, adults help him to study the characteristics of objects, replenish his vocabulary, feel more confident in the world around him, and develop harmoniously.

More than 10 years ago, a technique was developed for using Nikolai Grigorievich Lyapko's application devices for preschool children. Doctors, psychologists, teachers and, of course, children took part in it. During this time, the technique has been improved and expanded. Initially, Lyapko's application devices were used for the development of a tactile analyzer and hardening. Later, a positive effect on the psyche of children, including those who have developmental features, was noted.

The issue of physical and mental health of children in our country is particularly acute, and this technique can be an integral part of the response to the problem.

The project "Ezhata and the guys" is a program for the improvement of preschool children with the help of Lyapko application devices (UAL)

At the heart of the health-improving and preventive program "Hedgehogs and Guys" is the stimulation of the child's tactile perception, which, together with the physical, spiritual, social, emotional, intellectual components, contributes to the harmonious development of the individual. The more diverse information the tactile analyzer receives, the more flexible and labile the child's psyche is formed.

It so happened that people take everything soft and fluffy as a standard of “goodness”, and perceive prickly as negative (“prickly character”, “bristled like a hedgehog”). Such a stereotyped attitude is one-sided and limits development. A child brought up in greenhouse conditions, in a cocoon of overprotection and comfort, grows up unable to overcome difficulties, with poor adaptability, all this is accompanied by frequent illnesses. On the contrary, overcoming difficulties hardens the body and spirit, allows the child to gain self-confidence and independence. Children intuitively feel this and, as a rule, fulfill the tasks set by adults for development with pleasure, even if such tasks are accompanied by some kind of physical discomfort. In this program, we are talking about getting used to Lyapko's prickly devices.

The symbol of the program "Hedgehogs and Guys" - Hedgehog - energetic, courageous, balanced, inquisitive. He is ready to help everyone, is able to take care of himself and can say “no” if something is not to his liking. The Hedgehog will share these character traits with the guys.

What are Lyapko application devices?

The action of Lyapko's application devices is based on the principles of traditional Chinese medicine - superficial multi-needle acupuncture.

The high healing effect of Lyapko's application devices is due to a combination of intense reflex, galvano-electrical and immunological properties.

This is expressed in the stimulation of biologically active points, which helps to increase immunity and improve blood circulation. In addition, the impact of UAL develops tactile perception, improves the concentration of the child's attention, stimulates speech and thinking functions, corrects posture, and increases self-confidence.

Moderate irritation of sensitive endings, concentrated at certain points of the skin, muscles and other tissues, normalizes the strength, mobility and balance of the processes of excitation and inhibition. It is not limited only to the area of ​​a particular point or nerve, but often has a beneficial effect on organs remote from the site of exposure, and on the entire human body as a whole.

Lyapko application devices are elastic plates, rollers, tapes and belts made of rubber for medical purposes, with needles fixed on it. UAL needles consist of metals necessary for the body: zinc, copper, iron, nickel and silver. In the rubber base around the needles and along the edges of the UAL there are restrictive protrusions that increase the stability and reliability of the fastening of the needles, protecting the skin from damage. It is especially important that the needles, in contact with the skin, do not damage it. They are sharpened in such a way as to exclude damage to the epidermis.

Lyapko's application devices act on skin receptors, points and reflex zones, causing adequate reactions of the body. They include the immune system in work, give it additional strength to successfully fight the disease. In addition, the mechanism of multiple injections of biologically active points located on the skin is activated, which, summed up, give the command to the pituitary gland to release endorphins - the body's natural painkillers. Thus, in contact with the skin, the needles stimulate the release of internal medicines of a person, including the "internal doctor" in the work.

As a result of the use of Lyapko's application devices, the activity of the musculoskeletal system, nervous, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, excretory, urogenital, immune and endocrine systems is normalized. UAL are widely used in dentistry, pediatrics, dermatology and cosmetology, as well as to restore vitality, good mood and performance.

Upon contact with the skin, on the surface of the needles of the Lyapko application device, many physical and chemical changes occur, which are associated with the occurrence of galvanic currents. Galvanization improves metabolism, enhances recovery processes, has a resolving effect, helps the production of biologically active substances, reduces pain and tactile sensitivity of the skin.

Lyapko application devices have no side effects and are approved by the Ministry of Health of Ukraine for use in medical practice, protected by Ukrainian, Russian and international patents, certified in accordance with international quality standards. The method of treatment with Lyapko application devices is included in textbooks for students and teachers of higher educational institutions on physical rehabilitation, physical education, as well as doctors and specialists in sports medicine and kinesiotherapy.

According to the methodological recommendations for the use of Lyapko's application devices, for developing exercises, the massager "Pharaoh" and UAL are offered flat with a needle pitch of 3.5 - 5.0 mm: "Kraplinka" , "Face roller M" , "Insoles Plus" , "Needle ball » .

To bring Lyapko's application devices and massagers in line with the child's ideas, as well as to provide game motivation, the program uses the appropriate names:

Such names are a bridge between the concrete experience of the child and abstract thinking, help form associations in children, and stimulate the development of figurative comparisons.

The systematic use of Lyapko's application devices stimulates the tactile receptors of the child's skin, improves blood circulation and nerve conduction. Impact on biologically active points, of which there are more than 1000 on the body, contributes to the restoration and normalization of the function of all organs and systems. Lyapko's application therapy has a beneficial effect on the physical, emotional and mental state of the child's body.

Recommendations for the use of Lyapko application devices

Lyapko's application devices are recommended for use not as a therapeutic agent, but as a prophylactic for strengthening immunity, increasing muscle tone, improving peripheral circulation, and also as a means of stimulating tactile sensitivity and, as a result, speech-thinking functions. In addition, the use of UAL can be an effective method for improving the physical and mental well-being of children.

  1. 1. Use dosed. Children are offered a certain type of activity (massage, a game for the development of tactile sensations, self-massage). After that, Lyapko's application devices are disinfected and put away in a special box until the next lesson. It is optimal to have individual sets of UAL for each child.

    Exposure time:
    - "Kraplinka" - from a few seconds to 3-5 minutes;
    - "Insoles Plus" - from 1 to 5 minutes;
    - Massager "Pharaoh" from 1 to 5 minutes;
    - Rolling with a roller, "Needle ball" - from 2 to 5 minutes, depending on the preparedness of the children.

  2. To maintain interest and for safety purposes, Lyapko's application devices are not given to children for free play. All manipulations are carried out only in the presence of teachers or parents.
  3. Application therapy Lyapko is introduced gradually. Having mastered one type of Lyapko application device, the transition to the next is gradually carried out. The time of exposure to the skin also gradually increases.
  4. Teachers, parents using Lyapko application devices should familiarize themselves with this health-improving technique.
  5. It is advisable to use Lyapko application devices in combination with other methods to achieve a stronger healing effect. Wiping with cool water, acupressure, immune gymnastics and others are suitable.
  6. Teachers conducting a health program take into account the characteristics of tactile perception, the type of temperament of children in their group. The atmosphere in the classroom is psychologically comfortable, the pace of the lesson is unhurried, the goal of the teacher and parents is to gently and unobtrusively accustom the children to the perception of Lyapko's application devices. Demonstrating first on himself, on a soft toy, then on the most daring (most ready) of the children, the teacher shows the safety of the friendly Hedgehog. In the future, the guys have an interest and desire to touch.
  7. The regular use of Lyapko's application devices, the motivation of children for health and the personal interest of an adult are very important.
  8. The key point in maintaining the interest of children during the period of addiction is the game, jokes, the use by the teacher of interesting images associated with Lyapko's prickly applique devices.

It is important to give children a guideline for development: “I used to be afraid of everything prickly, but now I’m friends with the Hedgehog and I’m not afraid”, “When you overcome something, you become stronger”, “Hedgehog’s thorns prick and harden”, “You are a real yogi!” etc.

Children with hypersensitivity and anxiety can be included in the manipulations with UA as they are ready. At the initial stages, it is worth using cotton socks to reduce the degree of impact on the feet and ensure psychological comfort.

It happens that children, fearing new sensations and unfamiliar objects, do not want to be included in the game process. In this case, these guys, without actively participating, watch the game from the outside, gradually get used to it, mentally “mature” and after a while, usually, express a desire to join the game. The teacher should remember that coercion in this case is unacceptable.

At the stage of mastering the program "Ezhata and guys", which involves four weeks of regular classes (3-5 times a week), classes are held in the morning (5-10 "hour" minutes). One Lyapko application device is mastered within a week. The sequence of acquaintance with Lyapko's application devices is as follows: Little Thorn ( "Kraplinka" ), Hedgehog ( "Needle Ball" ), Tractor ( "Facing Roller M (MK)" ), Traces ( "Insoles Plus" ).

The main part of the health-improving program is compiled by the teacher from the games and exercises that the children liked with Lyapko's application devices and is carried out daily for the next month along with the morning gymnastics complex or at a specially allotted time for this.

At the end of the program, the results of the use of application devices are summed up, according to which the further system of their use (frequency, duration, intensity of classes) can be adjusted by teachers and specialists of the Lyapko center.

Options for working with the application device "Kraplinka"

"Kraplinka" is a pair of bright square-shaped rubber appliqué devices (33x33 mm) with built-in metal needles. These UALs are worn on the middle or index fingers of both hands. If the palms are on the table, the prickly surface should be facing down.

Acquaintance with UAL is best to start with a fairy tale about them. Information is perceived by children with great interest if the toy animals in question or their images are used.


She lived in her little square house Prickly. She was timid and hardly went out. She really wanted to make friends with someone, to be needed. And the animals said:

- Fu, what a prickly you are, do not come close. If you hurt us, we'll kick you out!

And Little Thorn sat in the house and was sad.

Suddenly he hears:

- Save! For help! Help! - this was shouted by the Bunny, who was being chased by the fox.

Our Thorn jumped out:

- Dress me up! I will help you!

And then Lisa appeared:

- All! You'll make rabbit soup! - and attacked the Hare.

And the Hare put his paw forward:

- Stop! I can't be offended!

The fox grabbed him by the paw, and how she screams:

- Oh oh oh! So wrong! You prick, - and ran to the big forest council to complain.

- I demand to expel Thorn from the forest! She didn't let me eat the Hare!

Everyone began to think: “Is a thorn good or bad?”

- Well, - said the Hedgehog, - my thorns are useful, you can pick mushrooms and apples on them.

- Bad, - grumbled the Wolf, - if you step on it, it hurts!

- Well, - Yorsh gurgled, - my thorns are protective, the pike cannot eat me!

- Well, - the Christmas tree whispered, - my needles do not fall off in winter! They have a lot of health.

- And how to temper? - Asked the Hare - I want!

Then Little Thorn suggested:

- I will come to you and help.


Small applicators "Kraplinka" , "Baby". The teacher makes light pressure on the palms, forearms, cheeks for younger children, explaining: "So that the cheeks are ruddy." Also, clamps are performed on the forehead, temples, and back of the head (“To make fairy tales better remembered”); on legs - on the knees, shins, feet ("So that the legs run well along the path"). 

Children of middle and older preschool age are quite able to cope with mini-massage themselves. An adult is required to direct movements - from top to bottom - and talk about safety rules - Lyapko applicators are only for gentle applications on the body.


At the initial introductory lesson, children examine, put on the index fingers of both hands, explore the effect of "small thorns" on their bodies. Self-massage happens like this: on the fingers - "Kraplinks" , hands lie symmetrically on that part of the body to which the impact is directed. Application clamps are light, but tangible, produced by multiple tapping of the index fingers or soft pressure and holding the Lyapko application devices on the skin surface for up to three to five counts (“As if we are gluing pieces of health”), then moving to another part of the body. No other actions are performed with the UAL.

As the main part of the wellness program, it is proposed during the first week to carry out play massage with the children of the younger group using the Kraplinka UAL , with the middle and older groups - 2-3 minutes of self-massage using the same device. This small interaction with UAL is enough for gradual addiction and a healing effect. It is advisable to carry out this procedure regularly at a fixed time, for example, after morning exercises.

In the second week, the following type of Lyapko application devices is introduced, and children return to the Kraplinka UAL in three weeks, increasing the manipulation time to 5 minutes.

Options for working with the "Needle ball"

“Needle ball” (in the Hedgehog program) is a dense rubber ball covered with needles over the entire surface. The value of this type of application device lies in the possibility of bimanual interaction with it, which stimulates the development of a stereognostic sense, tactile sensitivity, and communication between the cerebral hemispheres.

Acquaintance with the Hedgehog:
“Guys, the Hedgehog came to visit us from the forest! He is so unusual! It's amazing to hold in your hands. I really like to roll it between my palms.” Children can approach the teacher and touch the ball in his hands and, if desired, gently hold it.

When meeting, you can use the following poem by Lydia Slutskaya:

The hedgehog is busy all day,
He wants to help everyone in the forest.
Everyone needs his needles -
He pulled out a splinter to the wolf, He patched up the hare's
fur, Sweeped the
tail of Liska.
Good Hedgehog will help everyone -
Contact you too!

The game “The hedgehog rolled through the forest” The
teacher and the children sit around the table and gently roll the “Needle Ball” to each other, saying: “The hedgehog rolled through the forest and Sasha (the name of the child to whom the ball will roll is called) found himself.” The child, in turn, sends it to the next one. Rolling and calmly accepting the Needle Ball , not being distracted is a rather difficult task for preschoolers. The game is played at a leisurely pace. The skin of the hands gets used to the new sensations.

Wishing game in the circle “Gift of the Hedgehog” The
teacher holds the ball, rotating it between his palms, and says: “The Hedgehog brought me a good mood, and let him give you a smile” and passes the “Needle Ball” to the child standing next to him in a circle. The child who received the ball repeats the wish addressed to him, adding his wish and passing the Hedgehog to the next one (“The Hedgehog gave me a smile, and let him bring you many friends”). The game continues until the Hedgehog is in the hands of each participant. While the guys are talking, they hold the ball between their palms and rotate it.

Attention game "Forest dwellers"

Children and the teacher sit around a large table. The host rolls the “Needle Ball” to the players in turn, saying “The hedgehog ran through the forest. Who did the Hedgehog meet?

The answers of the children are built according to the same pattern: “The hedgehog ran through the forest, the Hedgehog met the hare!” Thus, children remember the animals - the inhabitants of the forest. The conditions of the game are to roll the Hedgehog carefully, carefully, it should not fall off the table.

You can tell the guys that the Hedgehog is a traveler, he can not only walk through the forest, but also along the river, lake, sea, in the city park and see a lot of different things. That is, the topics can be anything. In this game, in addition to the development of memory, attention, tactile analyzer, speech and the ability to wait are stimulated.

Self-massage of the palms "Hedgehog-baby"

Baby hedgehogs Went for a walk: - rolling in the palms back and forth

One, two, three, four, and of course, five. - simultaneous pressing of two fingers of the same name of both hands

One and two galloped - imitation of jumping with thumbs and forefingers

Three and four slept - hold the "Needle Ball" only with middle and ring fingers

And the fifth danced - rolling the “Needle Ball” with the little fingers of both hands

Played the flute! - imitation of playing the pipe with all fingers

Options for working with "Face Roller"

"Face roller M" (in the game version - "Tractor") is a cylinder covered with needles, mounted on a smooth handle. When rolled over the skin, it creates the effect of "multiple needle shower". It is used for dynamic effects on the skin.

The roller is used for massage and self-massage of the body. The impact is made on the outer side of the limbs and on the back. The pressure is light, the movements are uniform along the entire length.

Game massage “Song of the Hedgehog”
Rolling with a roller is accompanied by the words:
“The hedgehog rolled, rolled, rolled ... Rolled
along the arms, rolled, rolled ... Rolled
along the back, rolled, rolled ... Rolled
along the legs, rolled, rolled ...
And disappeared. "
The text is pronounced smoothly, melodiously, in the manner of folk rhymes.


Another option for speech accompaniment of massage is a game with a roller. A scale is sung with the words “Here I go up. Here I am going down ”simultaneously with the advancement of the roller along the arms, back, legs. Feature: after the roller travels up and down, a pause is needed so that the child can feel his feelings, understand if he wants more.

Game massage "Summer shower"

The game uses a fragment of Vieru Grigore's poem "How a Hedgehog Washes". The teacher reads a poem and, setting an example for children, demonstrates the elements of massage on himself:

In the heat in the forest, the little
hedgehog is washing himself awake.
The mother-hedgehog takes the basin,
Rubs the muzzle of the hedgehog.
Washes hands, washes legs
And a little more belly.
Only the back, only the back
Do not rub your own son.

The guys do most of the massage on their own. At the last couplet, the teacher offers to help the hedgehog children clean each other's needles on their backs with a roller.

"Hedgehog massage"

A group of children and a teacher sit in a circle on a carpet. The first part of the game takes place without Lyapko's application devices. Children and an adult slap the rhythm on their knees and pronounce the text: “Daddy hedgehog, mommy hedgehog, will you rub my hands? Papa hedgehog, mama hedgehog, will you rub my shoulders? Different parts of the body are called, which are rubbed up and down with hands. The next stage of the game is the use of UAL. When pronouncing the speech part, the children beat the rhythm on the knees, then take the rollers and massage the named part of the body with them.

Massage "Prickly clothes"

Hedgehog, Hedgehog - eccentric,
I sewed a prickly jacket.

Let's show how the Hedgehog puts on a jacket. We put on hands, on the back, on the tummy, and on the neck - a collar. (We massage the named parts of the child's body).

As a rule, such games evoke positive emotions in children, especially if an adult is emotional, they often ask to repeat more.

When these games are well known to children, their body is accustomed to the effects of Lyapko's application devices, then more sensitive parts of the body can be connected to the massage - chest, stomach, neck, head, back of the arms and legs.

The plot game "Good Doctor Aibolit"

The game is a kind of mini-performance. The teacher "invites" a toy Aibolit or puts on a white coat himself and announces that the forest hospital for animals is open. Toy animals come to the doctor for an appointment.

The bear's back hurts - he lifted too heavy a beehive with honey. Aibolit says that weights should be lifted gradually, after training. And now the patient is shown a sparing regimen, rolling the lumbar part with a roller and lying on the Lyapko application device "Romashka-M".

The squirrel is a big fidget, she is good at jumping on branches, but it is difficult for her to learn poetry, her memory is weak. Aibolit, with the help of the Hedgehog, does a head massage so that the blood rushes to the head, vision, memory, attention improve and tells that memory needs to be trained constantly, first learn short verses, then longer ones, and in order to remember better, you need to imagine what tell, or even sketch. And, of course, do not forget about the hedgehog massage.

The bunny was careless when he ran across the bridge and broke his paw. Now she has him plastered. To make the bones grow together faster, the Hedgehog gives the Bunny a massage on a healthy paw.

The fox often catches a cold. Aibolit prescribes dressing according to the weather, hardening and massage with the Pharaoh massager .

This game gives kids information about how to use applique devices. The next stage in the possible development of this story game is a forest school for young doctors. The guys, as students of Doctor Aibolit, help to give massage to the little animals.

"Mutual Massage"

When the massage techniques are mastered by children sufficiently, you can try to move on to such an activity as mutual massage. Children in pairs can give each other a massage worked out on dolls and on themselves. This forms a caring attitude towards each other, the ability to trust a partner, to communicate, develops the skills of verbalizing one’s feelings (“It’s too much”, “I like a back massage”).

This type of massage gives a setting for mutual assistance, makes children indifferent to the sensations of another person.

Option to work with "Insoles Plus".

“Insoles Plus” (in the Traces program) is a pair of thin rubber Lyapko application devices, shaped like the left and right feet, designed to act on biologically active points located on the surface of the feet.

Game exercise "Hedgehog tried on shoes"

Children get acquainted with the UAL "Insoles Plus" in a playful way. The guys sit on chairs in a circle, in front of each lies a pair of Footprints. Children's feet are in contact with the insoles. The teacher tells the children the poem:

The hedgehog tried on shoes - the legs are located on the insoles

He poked at the shoe with his finger. - touching the footprints only with the big toes

But the shoes fall off the heel - Very small paws! - touching the footprints with the heels, raise the legs and shake them in the air

Game exercises are repeated 2-3 times.

Game exercise "Curious animals"

The children's legs "turn" alternately into different animals and perform exercises - a series of touches on prickly insoles.

It is performed while sitting on a chair, each child has his own pair of traces.

The animals are different in character and the nature of the touch is also different:

- Timid bunnies - easily touch and remove the feet from the tracks.
- Chanterelle-sister - touching it with a toe, then with a heel, then turning Lyapko's application devices with thorns down.
- Teddy bears - they are friends with thorns, they try to press footprints with their foot.
- Brave hedgehogs know the secret - even distribution of weight. Then it's not painful, but pleasant. You can even get up and stand a little on the prickly tracks.

Game exercise "Mirror"

This is a series of exercises based on repetition after an adult. Focus on visual and auditory attention. Performed sitting.

Game exercise "Swing"

Rolling the foot from heel to toe on tracks; movement of the knees to the right and left, while the weight is transferred from one part of the foot to another.

These exercises make it possible to come into contact with all points representing the projections of the internal organs of the body with the Lyapko application device, prepare for a set of exercises that will be performed in the future while standing.

The next step in working with traces is to perform standing exercises. It is very important that at this stage, the children get set for deep breathing, which increases the concentration of attention on bodily sensations and facilitates muscle relaxation when the feet come into contact with a prickly surface. Body weight should be distributed evenly over the entire area of ​​​​the feet.

Game exercise "Tree in the wind" forward, backward with the whole body with the transfer of weight to the corresponding part of the foot.

Walking in place on spiky footprints

It is appropriate to give a rhythmic poem to walking. For example, Samuil Marshak:

A hedgehog runs along the tracks,
Yes, it slides on the ice.
The fox says to him:
- Let me translate?
The gray hedgehog answers:
- I have two pairs of legs.
I will go myself!

Walking forward, backward, sideways (side step) in the footsteps. Performing a gymnastic set of exercises for the neck, arms while standing on Lyapko's application devices.

Mobile game "Bees"

A pair of spiky footprints is a flower. Each child has his own. On a signal (turning on the music), the bee children fly away to stretch their wings, then the music stops, the children must return to their flower again.

The following games require a sufficient degree of mastery of Lyapko's application devices by the participants and increased attention of the teacher.

The plot game "Labyrinth

"Insoles plus" are used as part of the labyrinth (obstacle course), overcoming which the guys become stronger, healthier, more courageous. The components of the obstacle course can be sequentially laid out "Insoles Plus", sea pebbles, rustling foil, pads with cereals, a rope at the level of the children's knees (for stepping over), hoops (to climb through them), a basin of water and towels.

At the sight of thorny Footprints, preschoolers first have many doubts and fear of unusual obstacles. To overcome them, the teacher comes up with different options for interesting motivation. For example: "If we want to get into the enchanted forest and save the princess, then we need to try to go through a difficult labyrinth." At other times, overcoming obstacles may be associated with the search for treasures, etc.

The guys' self-esteem rises, pride and self-respect appear when they decide to stand on the Insoles (first in socks, then with bare feet), trample, go to the end of the obstacle course, save the fairy-tale hero. From lesson to lesson, self-confidence grows, and magical traces do their job

Educational game "Watch"

This game, thanks to the connection of different types of analyzers (auditory, visual, tactile, motor), helps children to effectively consolidate their knowledge of numbers and teaches them to tell time by the clock.

You will need plates with numbers from 1 to 12 and twelve pairs of UAL "Insoles Plus" . Each pair is a corresponding dot on the dial. Children, like arrows, move sideways along the Traces laid out in a circle. The number of players is up to five people. You can use the song from the movie "Carnival Night" (Black arrow goes around the dial). When the music stops, each participant in the game calls the number in front of which he is standing.

The second option - each player receives the task to take a place on the dial corresponding to a certain hour, and name the neighboring numbers.

The third more difficult option for guys who understand time by the clock. The dial made of prickly traces is reduced - each figure is one Lyapko applique device. Children perform game tasks in turn. Starting position inside the circle. Sample tasks: the teacher says: “The clock shows half past three” - the child places one foot on six, the other between two and three. If “The clock shows five minutes to twelve”, the player becomes so that one foot is on the number eleven, the second on twelve.

Educational game "Wind Rose"

The organizers of the game will need four or eight pairs of UAL "Insoles Plus". Traces are arranged in pairs in the directions of the cardinal directions. Signs are placed nearby: "north", "south", "west", "east". Also intermediate directions: "Northwest", "Northeast", "Southwest" and "Southeast" (may be added to the game later). Children are invited in turn to visit different parts of the world, which the leader appoints, that is, to stand on the corresponding pair of tracks and name the objects that fall into their field of vision, but they cannot be repeated. Thus, in addition to the healing effect on the feet and the whole body as a whole, children exercise their attention and learn new knowledge through sensations in the body. Information received from personal experience and fixed bodily is the most valuable.

Game "Ninja"

In this unusual process, children develop coordination of movements, orientation in space, self-esteem and self-confidence increase. Several sets of insoles lie in the form of a path along which you can walk forward. The meaning of the game is to walk along the prickly path blindfolded. Before placing a foot on a prickly Track, the "ninja" gropes for it and places his foot so as to hit the track in the track. Children sit in a semicircle on chairs, take turns playing the game, watching what is happening and supporting a friend who is going through a difficult test. The game requires increased attention of the teacher.

Game "Wonder Walkers"

This game was invented by children, it consists in walking with moving forward on a pair of prickly insoles. 3-5 children take part in the game. The rest are referees. The bare feet of the players are in close contact with Lyapko's application devices, as if they are "glued", and the children in "miracle walkers" walk from start to finish (several meters). The winner is not the one who came first, but the one whose feet did not detach from the "miracle walkers". The floor in the playing area must be smooth and free from carpet or other rough surfaces.

Game "Yoga Hedgehogs"

The goal of the game is to stay as long as possible on the spiky tracks. Children who are ready to take part in the game are given the installation - to stand while it is comfortable and pleasant. The game develops concentration and teaches deep bodily relaxation.

Options for working with the massager "Pharaoh"

Massager Lyapko "Pharaoh" (Cat's paw) consists of four balls connected to each other in the form of a tetrahedron, made of transparent plastic in bright colors.

In this program, it is used to perform elements of a classic massage - stroking, rubbing, kneading the muscles of the back and limbs. Massage is performed through a thin cotton fabric of clothing (shirt, T-shirt) to ensure better glide.

First, the teacher gives the children a massage with the Cat's paw in turn, explaining the sequence of action and the nature of the pressure. In the future, children learn, under the supervision of a teacher, to independently give each other mutual massage in pairs. For convenience, the massage is done on the carpet in the supine position.

Lyapko application devices in educational games

"Ezhina MOSAIC"

Lyapko's application devices can be successfully used for better memorization of letters and numbers. You can invite children from prickly squares to lay out letters and numbers according to the model.

Simultaneous connection of the visual and tactile analyzer makes learning the alphabet more efficient. The characters are voluminous. Improved coordination of movements. Children construct them with or without looking at a pattern, and then feel it. Letters consisting of sticks are easy to lay out, and semicircles prepared in advance can be used for rounding. (For example, in the letters "C", "B", "R".)

Also, the “Hedgehog Mosaic” can be used by younger preschoolers to lay out simple images from geometric shapes made of “prickly” material.

Also, the “Hedgehog Mosaic” can be used by younger preschoolers to lay out simple images from geometric shapes made of “prickly” material.

You can make a prickly house, boat, car, and so on for the Hedgehog.


It is a cube made of wood or plastic, each side of which is pasted over with a different textured material. Soft velvet fabric, smooth slippery plastic, rough sandpaper, soft rubber, fabric with fluffy pile, fragment of Lyapko's applicator.

Variants of games with a tactile cube:


After a joint bimanual examination of the cube and naming six textures, the teacher invites the children to remember what is prickly, rough, smooth, fluffy.

"Kitten Walk"

The kitten is a small toy that fits easily on the plane of the cube. Children in a small group alternately walk the kitten on different sides of the cube, while pronouncing which side it is now on. You can invent a fairy tale about how long the kitten has been looking for a way home.


The teacher guesses the texture on one of the sides of the cube, but does not name it, but describes the neighboring sides.

For example: On the left is a fluffy rug. On the right is a thorn. Ahead - rough.

Children need to guess and show the hidden side. The one who was attentive gets a token and he formulates the next riddle.


For this game, you will need a soft cloth eye patch and a small toy. The task of the player is to put the toy on the side indicated by the teacher without the help of eye contact. At first, the task seems impossible for children, but as they progress, interest and confidence in their abilities increase.

"Domino Night"

This game can be played even in complete darkness (with the lights off). The game is a set of plywood rectangles (20-30 pieces), divided into two parts. On different parts of the same rectangle, materials of different textures are placed: plastic, thin rubber, large and small grains, tin, foam rubber, a fragment of the Lyapko applique device. You can also arrange fabrics such as lace, felt, silk, velvet, jeans. The rules of the game are the same as in regular dominoes. The goal is to make a move alternately, lay out a path that matches in pairs.

Game exercises and games




"Forest dwellers"




"Gift of the Hedgehog"




"Song of the Hedgehog"








"Hedgehog massage"




"Prickly Clothes"




"Good Doctor Aibolit"




"Curious Beasts"












"Tree in the Wind"




Walking in place on spiky footprints




Walking forward, backward, sideways












"Rose of Wind"








"Wonder Walkers"




"Tactile Cube"




"Domino Night"




"Hedgehog Mosaic"




"Yoga Hedgehogs"




"The hedgehog rolled through the forest"




"Hedgehog trying on shoes"




"Summer shower"




Reviews of specialists about their practice

We, the specialists of the Center for Correctional and Family Psychology, in our work are faced with various mental and physical health problems in children and adults. In the correction, Lyapko application devices (UAL) and methodological recommendations for them are actively used, which have repeatedly proven their effectiveness.

Tatiana, psychologist

I would like to give a few examples of how I use Lyapko's application devices in my work.

Example #1. Used UAL "Insole plus" and UAL "Needle Ball" when working with a man who had a broken leg. After the eighth session, the man reported that his legs began to hurt less, blood circulation improved, and the feeling of heaviness in the feet became less than before classes.

Example #2. I use Lyapko's application devices - "Needle Ball" and "Kraplinka" - in work with autistic children who have speech problems. In this study, the children showed a clear interest in UAL, and some of them themselves demand that they be stimulated by the hand zones. When using UAL, children, in general, become calmer, more balanced, more willing to switch to other activities.

Example #3. I used Lyapko's application devices "Needle Ball" and "Kraplinka" when working with stuttering. After stimulation of the zones of the palms, neck, occiput, lower and upper jaws, cheeks with UAL, the young man had a calm, even emotional state, muscle relaxation, breathing became even.

Alexandra, psychologist.

In my work, I often use both the UAL itself and the methodological recommendations. It should be noted the positive dynamics in working with children - they are happy to join the game with Lyapko's application devices "Needle Ball" and "Kraplinka" . At the same time, interest in the lesson as a whole increases.

Also, I use UAL in work with children with autism spectrum disorders for sensory saturation. There is a positive trend - children are more quickly included in the interaction.

Olga, speech pathologist.

It has long been known to everyone how important it is to develop fine motor skills in children with speech disorders. In the implementation of this task, in addition to the generally accepted methods and exercises, Lyapko application devices help me. Using UL in my work, I not only solve direct tasks for the development of fine motor skills (development of fine motor skills of the hands and activation of the speech zones of the cerebral cortex), but also maintain the persistent interest of children in my classes. And the similarity of the "Needle Ball" with a hedgehog helps to saturate the classes with a variety of speech material and exercises in a playful way.

“Center for Correctional and Family Psychology”, Donetsk Tatyana Stanislavovna Yakushevska, family and child psychologist, psychotherapist.

When working with children, it is important to remember that for them you need to do everything as well as for adults, only better. All components are important here, but, in my opinion, the main ones are creativity and professionalism. The authors of this project fully possess these qualities. And yet - great sincere attention to each child, with its characteristics and capabilities. Experience shows that this approach actually brings results. Check it out yourself!

Contraindications to the use of Lyapko application devices

Relative contraindications to the use of flat and cylindrical UALs are:

  • acute infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases with fever;
  • the state of decompensation in diseases of the cardiovascular system, lungs, liver, kidneys;
  • acute thrombophlebitis;
  • diseases of the blood and hematopoietic organs in the stage of decompensation;
  • acute surgical conditions;
  • severe exhaustion;
  • violations of the integrity of the skin: wounds, burns, frostbite

In the presence of benign and malignant diseases, multi-needle therapy with Lyapko application devices is used only for the treatment of individual symptoms (an analgesic method, relieving psycho-emotional stress, improving sleep, etc.) and always after consulting an oncologist.

Decontamination of Lyapko application devices

Lyapko's application devices during use are in contact with the skin without damaging it, and do not have contact with blood. After a session of applications, they must be disinfected in accordance with the Standards for the Disinfection of Medical Devices, by completely immersing them in a disinfectant solution.

To do this, use chemicals for rubber medical products and for non-corrosion-resistant metals, approved for use in Ukraine. Concentration and exposure time according to methodological recommendations for disinfectants. For example: "Gigasept AF Forte new", "Korzolex basic", "Korzolex extra", etc.

After treatment with a disinfectant and rinsing under running water, the disinfected UAL is dried with a hot air jet using a hair dryer.

Processed Lyapko application devices should be stored under a clean diaper. When used individually, UAL does not require disinfection. Hygienic care involves periodic treatment with a washing solution (shampoo, liquid soap), using a brush, rinsing with running water and drying with a stream of hot air (using a hair dryer) as close as possible to the needles.

The needles of the Lyapko application devices are made of non-corrosion-resistant metals, which allows them to oxidize.