Heel spur

A heel spur is one of the symptoms of the manifestation of lumbosacral osteochondrosis of the spine and congenital or acquired pathology associated with subluxation or improper formation of the relationship of the joint with the foot, which are always associated with the structural and functional features of the lumbosacral spine and the roots passing in these zones. Therefore, you should immediately act on the lumbar region with an applicator or application belts. The exposure time is 12-25 minutes until a pleasant warmth is felt.

Then procedures are performed on the foot area.

1st procedure: start by rolling the heel area

With a BIG ROLLER M, turning the foot to the right, left, time is 3-5 minutes, so that the heel “gets used” to the applicator, then roll over the entire foot, time is 5-7 minutes. If you are worried about severe pain in the heel, use the "Facial roller M" or "Universal roller M." After the procedures, an additional long (20-60 minutes) fixation of a small applicator or wearing an application belt in the lumbosacral spine is possible.

2nd procedure: always start all subsequent procedures from the heel, moving to the foot, gradually increasing the exposure time with each procedure, gradually bringing up to 30 minutes.

In the following procedures, one gradually tries to act with the foot on the applicator with slight pressure, while standing or sitting.

After the first session, more often after the third, the pain in the heel increases - there is no need to be afraid - this is a natural sanogenetic (health-improving) reaction of the body.

To relieve pain, you need to apply a warm compress for 15-30 minutes: Bischofite 30% (for 2 tablespoons of water + 1 tablespoon of Bischofite) +1 ampoule of vit B12 1.0 ml + 1 ampoule of analgin + 10 drops of Dimexide or compress with 1, 5% sea salt: per 100 ml of water + 1.5 g of salt.

The course of treatment is 7–9–12 procedures until pain is reduced, the treatment can be repeated after 2–4 weeks. It is also advisable to add physiotherapy (ultrasound to the heel, amplipulse to the lower back, laser therapy, etc.) after consultation and appointment of a physiotherapist.