Glute reflexology to help the brain

Projections of internal organs on the palms and feet

Most people have heard or seen maps of the projection of internal organs on the palms and feet, which are used in therapeutic massage and reflexology. A point effect on the zones has a complex effect on the parasympathetic nervous system, and it, in turn, is precisely responsible for the smooth functioning of internal organs and metabolism (Fig. 1)


It turns out that the buttocks also have areas associated with the work of the brain (Fig. 2)


If you look closely at this diagram, you can see the head upside down.

Scientists have proven that a short-term effect on the nerve endings of the gluteal muscles has a positive effect on the brain.

Researchers at Solikamsk Medical University named after Frunze, found that selective stimulation of individual sensory endings of the gluteus maximus muscle has a stimulating effect on certain areas of the brain.

In other words, by irritating the nerve endings of the gluteus muscles, we stimulate memory, concentration, and even selective types of mental activity (such as verbal skills or mathematical thinking). A cross-connection of the cerebral hemispheres of the corresponding buttock was also noticed: to stimulate the right (creative) hemisphere of the brain, you need to influence the left gluteus muscle, and vice versa.

In completely different cultures, isolated from each other on different continents, flogging was used as an education. For example, in England, which is the recognized leader of classical education, bodily stimulation remained in use until the end of the 20th century. In the pedagogical systems of many countries, flogging was not just some kind of punishment, but a finely calibrated influence, where it was indicated with what tools, in what order, what intensity, at what angle and on what part of the buttocks to hit, what words and instructions should be uttered when this teacher.

For example, in the Chinese province of Hunan, three scrolls have been found detailing this aspect of education and training.

Of course, in modern realities, the reproduction of traditional methods of gluteal stimulation in the form of flogging is impossible. Nevertheless, experts give the following practical recommendations in this regard:

Place on the chair needle applique devices of various designs ("Chamomile M", "Insoles plus", "Chance", "Large rug") or pillows filled with cherry pits, walnuts.

Suggest that students and staff, if they are tired, especially after the lunch break, do self-massage of the buttocks using wooden rulers and palms during five-minute warm-ups with light whipping movements. Good performance appears, lethargy, drowsiness disappear.

You need to learn from young children. They can't sit quietly on a chair - they are sure to fidget, but we also pull them down constantly for this. And during such movements, the buttocks are massaged, stagnation in the pelvic organs is relieved. Therefore, if you have to sit for a long time at work, in transport, especially drivers, then remember small children. You can also periodically tense and relax your gluteal muscles.

Causes of blood stagnation in the pelvic organs

Around the pelvic organs there are venous plexuses that feed them with the necessary substances and oxygen. In this part of the body there is a large number of anastomoses (paired branches) and the absence of a valve system in the vessels. This specificity is often the main cause of blood stagnation in men and women. Most often, this pathology is observed in patients leading an inactive lifestyle and staying in a sitting position for a long time. Physical inactivity contributes to the compression of blood vessels by cartilage and muscles, as a result of which blood is not able to flow to the organs located in the small pelvis.

The development of stagnation is largely promoted by the hereditary structure of blood vessels and their decreased tone, bad habits (alcohol abuse and tobacco smoking). Alcohol can reduce the elasticity of blood vessels, and nicotine provokes their spasm.

Venous congestion accompanies many diseases of the genitourinary system. If the pathology has become chronic, this contributes to an increase in irritability, aggressiveness, and sudden changes in mood. Stagnation of blood in the small pelvis in women and men causes infertility, chronic hemorrhoids with pain in the anus, burning and itching.

As one of the causes of inflammatory diseases, men develop urethritis, prostatitis with cuts during urination, pain in the perineum, impotence. In women of reproductive age, this pathology often becomes the cause of miscarriage, the birth of a premature baby. Uterus prolapse occurs, the menstrual cycle is disrupted, bleeding increases.

Exercise to prevent blood stasis in the pelvic organs.

There are effective exercises to prevent blood stasis. The following complex will become effective:

  1. Having taken the deepest possible breath and thrusting out your stomach, you need to hold your breath for 10 seconds, then pull your stomach into yourself as much as possible and exhale with an effort (repeat 3-7 times).
  2. Lying on your back, you need to bend it and raise it, without lifting the back of your head and buttocks from the floor. In this position, you should linger for 10 seconds, then relax. All actions are repeated from 3 to 10 times.
  3. Lying on your back, resting your shoulders, elbows and the back of your head on the floor, perform the classic "birch tree" (lifting your legs up 90 degrees from the floor surface, and supporting the pelvis with your hands). They stay in this position for 2 minutes, after a short rest, the movement is repeated at least 7 more times.
  4. Lying on their stomach, roll up and down on a large rubber ball, helping themselves with their hands (you need to ride for at least half an hour every day).
  5. While lying on the mat, make circles with your feet as when riding a bicycle, alternating movements back and forth.

To relieve stagnation in the pelvic organs, you can use the applicator "Chamomile M", "Insoles plus", "Chance". Application areas: lumbosacral region, on the lower abdomen, buttocks, perineum (for diseases of the pelvic organs, inflammation of the uterus and appendages, for cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, sigmoiditis, hemorrhoids, anus fissures, impotence, frigidity, nocturnal enuresis, etc. .). The exposure time is 15-30 minutes.

Also, you can roll these zones with the "Large roller", "Universal roller" in the morning and during the day for 2-3 minutes.