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702 грн.
Flat Lyapko application device Little One Belt consists of 6 plates and 2 controlled zones (the size of each plate is 36 x 84 mm). The amount of needles is 960. Thanks to reliable retainers it is mounted on problem areas.
You have a lot of worries and do not have time to apply the applicator, don`t you? You can not tear yourself away from the beloved TV program or computer? Do you want to apply the applicator, but there is no time to lie on it? Applicator-belt will solve these problems.
Now the surface acupuncture procedure has become simpler in conducting, easier for patients and widely accessible. Thanks to reliable fixators, the applicator-belt is fastened directly to the area of pain, referred pain zone, a zone of irradiation of pain or diseased organ projection zone, a zone of arrangement of biologically active points and meridians. In view of the proposed schemes, the impact can be made on the basic, additional and auxiliary zones in turns, alternately or selectively.
The fixators provide uniform nip of an applicator to the body. One can fix the applicator on his own, without assistance – easily, quickly, reliably and on any parts of the body, limbs, joints. To do this, the user can adjust the length of the belt.
Duration of treatment depends on required effect:
- toning effect – from 7 to 10 min;
- soothing effect – 20 min to 2 hours;
- removal of acute pain – from 10 to 15 min;
- help at chronic pain – 30 min to 2 hours.