MAGIC BAND HEALTH 4.3 AG 2 5 segments

  • 1 672 грн.
In Stock


Length with rubber bandage (m)
Length without rubber bandage (m)
Width (cm)
Needle pitch (mm)
Number of needles (pcs)
Weight (g)
Base material
medical rubber
Composition of needles
iron, copper, zinc, silver
dark blue, red, orange, green, blue
Warranty period
12 months
MPC "Lyapko"
Manufacturer country


Band – 3,1 m long – length with rubber bandage and 2,2 m long – length without rubber bandage, 22 mm wide. Distance between needles - 4,3 mm. Quantity of needles - 5100. The band consists of 5 segments (the segment is a part of a band, about 44 cm long). Each band consists of a working part (with needles) and rubber bandage (without needles) - for soft fixing of a band on a body.

Lyapko applicator `Magic Band Health` is a very flexible band with fixed «cells» of needles which influence gently your skin without damaging it. It can be used under supervision of a doctor, and independently at home. Increased coverage area has a unique healing effect on the body in the healing process of almost all acupuncture points of the treated area. After wrapping with an applicator there is a feeling of lightness, warmth, relaxation, full restoration of power and energy of the body. The intensity of pressing of belt needle to the skin is regulated while wrapping.

  • In sport, due to the full impact of the applicator over the entire zone surface, it allows faster recovery after exercises.
  • It increases strength and rate endurance of athletes.
  • It provides rapid recovery (after injuries, muscle sprains, fractures, surgery) due to a significant acceleration of biochemical redox processes in the body.
  • It increases in 2-3 times the efficiency of massage, manual therapy.
  • It increases the efficiency of the organism. It relieves the feeling of heaviness, stiffness in hands in legs.
  • It helps in treatment and prophylaxis of different diseases
  • Stops backbone, joints and muscles pains, headaches

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