Small applicators are intended for use in complex application therapy as an auxiliary means, and for independent action on various parts of the body according to indications, according to the methods of treatment using acupuncture methods. In addition, they can be used as an "ambulance" and used in emergency conditions: loss of consciousness, fainting, insect bites, to relieve heart attacks, bronchospasm, relief of acute pain.
A small applicator being with you in your purse or pocket - at home, at work, on the road, on vacation - is an indispensable tool for an ambulance.
Convenient for treatment in areas of greatest pain. It is recommended to wear it under a belt, elastic bandage or reinforcing bandage. Considering the small area of influence, wearing is long-term - 1 - 3 hours.
Presses on the face along the massage lines for 3-7 minutes give a tonic effect, increase blood pressure.
The applicator is also recommended for the care of the skin of the face, neck and décolleté. It is convenient for massage procedures, promotes the activation of metabolic processes in tissues and cells, helps in the fight against mimic wrinkles, improves lymph and blood flow, relieves edema of various origins, increases skin firmness and elasticity. As a result, the oval of the face improves, the second chin is tightened, and the aging process of the skin slows down.
The effect of the applicator promotes deeper penetration of the active ingredients of cosmetic products into the skin. Water-based products (tonic, serum) are used during application. The application of oily cosmetic products is recommended after the application procedure.
The influence of the UALP "Tiny" on the active zones of correspondence to organs on the palms and feet according to the method of Su Jok therapy has a positive, health-improving effect on the body. Look closely at the drawing with the correspondence scheme on the hands and feet. Determine the area with the point of correspondence to the problematic organ. Apply a small applicator to this area, apply light pressure for a few minutes. Regularly carrying out such manipulations, you can significantly improve the condition of the diseased organ.