Lyapko application devices are used in complex therapy and prophylaxis of various diseases. This is a magnificent helper for health strengthening.

Lyapko application devices can be applied in medical institutions recreational centers and sanatoria. Simplicity of use, safety, not invasiveness, high efficiency allow to recommend applicators for use at home.

All products are recommended by Ministry of Health of Ukraine for use in medical practice, protected by Ukrainian, Russian and international patents, certified according to the international standards of quality – ISO 9001.

Lyapko application device is a many-time prize-winner of the competitions "100 best goods of Ukraine".

In 2010 it won the first place in the competition "100 best goods of Ukraine" in group of goods of medical purposes.

Indications to use

As a result of use of Lyapko applicators activity of a musculoskeletal system, nervous, cardiovascular, lymphatic, respiratory, digestive, secretory, urogenital, immune and endocrine systems is normalized. They are widely used in stomatology, dermatology and cosmetology.

​​Use of UAL in obstetrics

A) early toxicoses;

  b) pregnancy maintaince;

  c) hypo - and a gipergalaktiya;

  d) anesthesia and adjustment of patrimonial activity;

  e) restoration in the puerperal period.

To maintain pregnancy it is recommended to use applicators with small step needles (3.5-4.9 mm). The feeling at this time must be comfortable. Applicators and rollers are used on the paravertebral areas, arms and legs zones, as well as hands and feet.

At early pregnancy toxicosis process with a roller or applicator the upper sections of the lumbar (zone 6), the area above the navel (zone 16), the bottom of the chest (zone 15) for 10-20 minutes, hands and feet – 3-5 min.

To remove the pain syndrome in the lumbosacral area, to improve the blood supply to the uterus and complete development of the fetu it is recommended to work on zones 7, 8, 9. The impact should be gentle and careful.


At the beginning of delivery activities, when the intervals between contractions are long, and the uration of bout is short: during the contraction to massage the lumbosacral areawith massager «Pharaoh», and  between times all back is massaged in circular and longitudinal movements. With increasing pain during contractions run with a roller (with assistance) the lumbosacral region with seizure of the lower thoracic spine. The degree of the roller pressure one can regulate on his own. Many pregnant at this point want a strong impact and high amplitude of the roll motion. It is effective to use applications with the correct breathing during contractions and in between. Inhale through the nose, exhale through the mouth, the breath in should be longer than the breath out.


To remove the pain during uterus contractions roll the lower abdomen with applicator rollers, the exposure time is 10-15 minutes, roll easily, the feeling should be comfortable. «Magic tape «Health» can be wound or applicator belt can be fixed. These procedures will also help to restore the skin elasticity.


To save and stimulate lactation Lyapko application devices («Big Pad», «Chamomile-M», etc.) should be used for the whole back zone in the morning and evening for 15-20 minutes. Before each feeding run both breasts (avoiding the nipples) with a multi-functional roller for 3-5 minutes. The usage of «Magic tape» Health” is Effective and pleasant. Get plenty of rest and eat properly.


A long-term use of applicators «Droplet» and “Travel Mate Plus”is possible at thickenings and mastitis. Applicators can be applied through a two-layer soaked in hypertonic solution gauze or a thin cotton cloth. On thickening zones make sensitive clamps for 10-15 min., 3-4 times a day up to the disappearance of symptoms of the disease.


​To remove the colic one can use facial roller or applicator «Droplet». The procedure is performed through a cotton cloth. Gently run the tummy with a roller in a clockwise direction for several minutes until a light hyperemia (redness). Then put the baby on his tummy and ride with a roller middle and lower back sections. Use the same scheme to work with an applicator «Droplet»: alternately (clockwise!) by applying it to the tummy around the navel, so to obtain a square. Pressing with an applicator should be gentle, without effort. Perform the procedure between feedings or before feeding.

After application therapy it is possible to give massage with Pharaoh massager. Massage movements should be in clockwise direction. Then put the massager with its “crown” on a tummy in a navel for 3-5 minutes. It makes positive impact on a power condition of a child that favorably influences immune system, and it, in turn, stabilizes the general state. It is very effective to do the massage with applicators before bathing.

  Combined use of flat Lyapko application devices, rollers and Pharaoh massager mutually increases their medical efficiency. It is very effective to do the massage with applicators before bathing.

  Regular use of Lyapko application devices is a key to your health, vitality and good mood!