Methods of using applicators
According to the method of impact on the human body, applicators are divided into: static, dynamic, static-dynamic.
Static - the effect of flat applicators on areas of the body with a large radius of curvature: back, abdomen, chest area, lumbosacral spine, arms, legs, palms and feet.
Dynamic ("needle rain") - the impact of rollers on all parts of the body.
They are especially effective when acting on areas of the body with a small radius of curvature: neck, head, face, legs and arms.
The static-dynamic application action can be performed in motion with the help of elastic applique tapes, belts.
Rollers are dynamic applicators (“millionth needle shower”). The therapeutic effect is achieved several times faster than when using a static applicator. Galvanic currents in the skin, at the points and between the needles are impulsive.
Due to their balanced and compact design, the rollers are very efficient and easy to use. All application rollers are equipped with rubber grommets, therefore they have a soft, delicate effect on the skin.
The use of rollers enhances blood circulation, perfectly relieves fatigue, eliminates tension and aches in muscles, increases vitality. After applications with this applicator, you will relieve pain, feel refreshed and full of energy.
The therapeutic effect is achieved several times faster than when using a static applicator. If you need a tonic effect, skate for 3-7 minutes, for harmonization 8-15 minutes, if you need a sedative effect, 15-20 minutes.
It is better to work with rollers (on clean skin) in the first half of the day; in the evening, to prevent insomnia, you need to work 2 hours before bedtime. If you have decided that you need the Lyapko roller, then you need to know the features of each.
"Roller large M"
"Large M roller" (needle pitch 5.0 mm; size 111 mm x (61) mm.) - has the largest working surface and needle pitch, which allows you to act on large areas of the body: back, lower back, sacrum, buttocks, chest , stomach, limbs.
Application methods
The use of a roller in the morning, rolling all parts of the body for 2-3 minutes each (oriental tonic massage) or along the movement of energy (Fig. 1) increases vitality, improves blood circulation, lymph flow, eliminates muscle tension and pain, gives a boost of energy to all day.

Fig. 1
To relieve pain, roll in an arbitrary direction until a uniformly pink color of the skin appears:
- the place of localization of pain;
- above and below the pain zone;
- - carry out the rolling with a roller on the opposite side - symmetrical to the place of the disease.
For example: If the pain is in the right arm, then roll the left arm. If the pain is in the right leg, roll the left leg. If there is pain in the chest, we roll the projection zone on the back. If there is back pain, we roll the projection zone on the chest. If there is pain in the lower back, roll your stomach. If there is pain in the abdomen, roll the lower back.
After the procedure, blood circulation in the application area is improved, the pores are "opened", the application of anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving creams, ointments promotes better penetration into the skin, subcutaneous tissue, muscles and enhances their action.
To carry out accurate reflexological diagnostics - to search for the most sensitive areas of the skin, the impact of applicators on which allows you to achieve the greatest results.
In sports, before physical activity, it has a good warming up of the body. After physical exertion, rolling with a roller helps to remove body pain and muscle soreness.
It can be used both independently and in combination with treatment with various flat applicators for strokes, diabetes mellitus, for varicose veins, hernias of the spine, for effective burning of fatty deposits, for cellulite, etc.
For warming up the skin before the massage, which enhances the therapeutic effect of the massage. You need to work with a roller on clean skin, since rubber is not oil-resistant and oils can quickly damage it. Massage oils, creams are applied after rolling with a roller.
The exposure time before the massage for warming up is 3–7–10 minutes, depending on the individual reaction of the skin (until a uniformly pink color appears).

"Universal roller M" (with rubber bushings)
(Needle pitch 3.5 mm; size 72 x (51 mm).
The optimal dimensions of the working surface and the needle pitch of the application roller allow it to be applied on all parts of the body and head.
It is most convenient to act on the face along the massage lines, the scalp area, the cervical-collar area to relieve pain and spasms, the area of small joints of the limbs, hand and foot. It is recommended for use in cosmetology, can be used in the treatment and diagnosis of people of all age groups.
Rolling in the palms, on the head, on the face with the "Universal Roller M" for 3-7 minutes gives a tonic effect, increases blood pressure.
Exposure to these zones for 10-15 minutes gives a calming effect, promotes relaxation of the nervous system, relieves headache, lowers blood pressure. Convenient for rolling all parts of the body in the morning for 2-3 minutes each - oriental tonic massage (Fig. 1). This procedure increases vitality, improves blood circulation, lymph flow, eliminates muscle tension and pain, and gives a boost of energy.
Recommended for warming up the skin before massage for 3–7–10 minutes, depending on the individual reaction of the skin (until a uniformly pink color appears), which enhances the therapeutic effect of the massage.

"Face roller M"
"Face roller M" (with rubber bushings) (Needle pitch 3.5 mm; size 40 x (51) mm.
Specially formulated for the face and scalp. It also makes it possible to treat almost any part of the body (areas of small joints of the limbs, hands and feet, the back of the head), to relieve pain and spasms. Recommended for use in cosmetology and for accurate reflex diagnostics.
In cosmetology, massage of the face, neck, décolleté area using the "Facial Roller" is an excellent prevention of skin aging. With its help, blood circulation is stimulated, the work of microvessels and tissue regeneration are improved. This leads to the activation of the production of internal collagen and elastin, the appearance and elimination of premature wrinkles is prevented, the oval of the face is improved, fat deposits are reduced, and puffiness is eliminated.
They work with a roller on clean skin, which can be pretreated with a tonic. After the procedure, blood circulation in the area of application is improved, the pores are "opened", the application of nourishing creams promotes better penetration into the skin and enhances their action.
When working on the face, you need to take into account the blood pressure numbers. Rolling in the palms, on the head, on the face with "Facial roller M" for 3-7 minutes gives a tonic effect, increases blood pressure.
Exposure to these zones for 10-15 minutes gives a calming effect, promotes relaxation of the nervous system, relieves headache, lowers blood pressure.

"Needle ball"
(Needle pitch 4.0 mm) is a medical rubber ball with a diameter of ≈ 55 mm, with needles of four metals (copper, iron, silver, zinc) fixed on it. A special application device designed to work with fine motor skills of the hand, foot, as well as to influence other reflex zones on the human body.
In the brain, the centers responsible for motor skills and speech are adjacent and closely related to each other. By developing fine motor skills of the hand, we simultaneously activate the center of speech, as well as such properties of consciousness as: attention, thinking, coordination in space, observation, imagination, motor and visual memory.
Well-developed fine motor skills in preschoolers are one of the indicators of a child's readiness for schooling.
Indications for use: damage to the articular-ligamentous apparatus of the hands and feet, restoration of motor function after injuries, after removing the plaster;
- - with autism, with infantile cerebral palsy;
- - recovery after traumatic brain injuries, strokes at the stage of home rehabilitation;
- -treatment of psycho-speech disorders in children (in speech therapy practice to train fine finger movements);
- - health-improving technology in education - finger gymnastics at school, prevention and elimination of muscle finger fatigue, preparation of the hand for writing;
- - prevention of carpal (carpal) syndrome (with prolonged incorrect position of the hand while working with a manipulator of the "mouse" type and a computer keyboard);
- -reduction of psychological craving for smoking and replacement of the bad habit of holding a cigarette;
- - stress relief, sleep improvement;
- - is a means of enhanced impact on the zones of painful and problem points on the human body.
Methods of using the "Needle ball"
In children's practice, in case of problems associated with impaired conduction of the nervous system and mental activity, for the development of fine motor skills and tactile sensitivity, the "needle ball" must be applied (roll, do light presses) on the palms and feet in a playful manner, at a calm unhurried pace. The exposure time is 3-5 minutes.
After a stroke, to restore the functions of the brain: to improve movement in the hands, to restore speech with a "needle ball" during the day, make light rolling movements on the soft surface with a healthy hand, hold in the hand, put it in the sore arm. The exposure time is 7-10 minutes on the healthy side, 10-20 on the sick side.
Rolling the ball in your palms in the morning for 3–7 minutes helps to relieve lethargy, drowsiness, gives a tonic effect, and increases blood pressure. Rolling for 15 minutes lowers blood pressure, relieves headaches, neck pain, calms the nervous system, application in the evening promotes good sleep.
After removing the plaster in case of fractures, injuries, injuries of the articular-ligamentous apparatus of the hands and feet, roll the entire hand and foot with the "Needle Ball". The duration of exposure on the side of the fracture should be longer (10-15 minutes) than on a healthy limb (3-7 minutes).
How to work correctly with the "Needle Ball". It is recommended to make light rolling movements or light presses in the palms, to carry out similar movements on the foot with the help of hands or easily roll without pressure on the floor.

In Su Jok therapy - by regularly massaging the selected area on the palms and feet, you can significantly improve the condition of the diseased organ (Fig. 2)

Fig. 2