It is impossible to cure arthrosis, as well as an old age, but in time to pay attention to this process in time means to prolong the "youth of joints" and move without problems! So, use Lyapko applicators to treat for arthrosis. They help to normalize metabolism, improve a blood circulation in the invaded tissues and stimulate neogenesis processes. If the problem with invaded joints of the upper extremities, it is necessary to influence with applicators the area of a joint and cervical and upper thoracal department of a backbone.

If joints of the lower extremities are invaded, it is necessary to apply applicators on area of a joint and on lumbosacral department of a backbone.

It is recommended to place along or across backbone such applicatcators as «Quadro", "Chance", etc. The applicator «Camomile M" is especially convenient in application as it gets a relief of any part of the body thanks to its flexible "petals".  Any area of a backbone, knee joints, calves, feet can be easily effected with it. Application belts ("Universal V", "Kid"), "Magic tape Health" can be also used. Simplicity of fixing allows to move, be engaged freely in a commonplace and to be treated at the same time.

In case of arthroses it is recommended to influence invaded areas with applicators for 10–15 minutes. As addition it is possible to influence zones of the opposite side. Time of influence is 20-40 minutes, A course of treatment is 1–2 weeks. Refresher course of treatment is recommended in 2–4 weeks. Permanent improving of health, removal of chronic pain, increase in vitality and working capacity are observed after systematic use of applicators. .

Therapeutic action of applicators amplifies if to use them previously having moistened skin with water or hypertensive solution or having put the moistened gauze napkin with broth of officinal herbs or water-based medicines. In addition, after removal of an applicator all skin pores in the place of application are opened, so putting medical oils, ointments and compresses is most effective at that time.

Painful and adjacent zones can be processed with the roller applicators "Big M" or "Universal M" before massage.

Лечение артроза валиком Ляпко

It is also necessary to massage with Pharaoh Massager upper and lower extremities, the corresponding zones of a backbone and joint but at the same time it is necessary to avoid direct influence on a sore joint as it can increase inflammatory reaction.


It is very effective to influence feet with applicator Insole Plus, or other types of flat applicators and rollers. There are a lot of biologically active points on feet. They are projections of all bodies and systems. Impact on them with applicators leads to restoration and normalization of function of all bodies and systems.


If you are interested in Lyapko applicators use, please, phone:

+38 (050) 622 70 00
+38 (067) 622 70 00
+38 (048) 721 50 40


Arthrosis. Description of a disease.

АртрозARTHROSIS is a damage of joints which often arises because of their ageing and metabolism degenerate disorders in the climacteric period. This disease destroys interarticular cartilages. It leads to violation of functioning of joints and clogs their movement. The joint loses flexibility therefore it loses ability to cope even with insignificant loading. All loading falls at a bone, it is damaged, an inflammation occurs.

Besides, there is sever pains at arthrosis. For example, if a hip joint invaded, pain is felt not only in a femur, but also in all leg, in a knee because of what there is lameness and the backbone biomechanics is broken. Thus, the progressing arthrosis can be complicated by dorsodynia, emergence of hernias of intervertebral disks.

People of all ages can suffer from arthrosis. People with constant exercise stress, women constantly wearing high-heeled shoes, overweighed people, people with curvature of the spine, with diseases of vessels and thyroid gland, suffering from psoriasis, pseudorheumatism and diabetes mellitus are susceptible to this disease.

Characteristic symptoms of arthrosis of joints are pain at loading ceasing at rest, reduction of mobility and a crunch in a joint, tension of muscles around a joint, periodic emergence of a swelling, gradual deformation of a joint. In general the mechanical rhythm of pain is typical for the disease — developing of pain under the influence of day physical activity and subsiding during night rest. Dull constant night aches are possible because of venous.

Short-term "starting" pain develops after rest and soon it passes against the background of physical activity. So-called "blockade of a joint" is probable, a patient feels such severe pain that he cannot move at all. As a rule, arthrosis develops not quickly and begins with damage of one joint, but through some time other joints are also invaded, usually those which were under increased mechanical loading. If the disease is not treated, over the years there is pain at the movement.